Welcome to the Post Road Company. We specialize in the sale of high quality classic stamps of the world. Our website features the following conveniences for every stamp in our inventory:
- High resolution images, including reverse images for our higher priced stamps and images of certificates, if applicable.
- All stamps sold as singles, so you aren't required to purchase a set just to obtain the one or two stamps you need.
- Stamps are offered in three centering categories, and a "never hinged" option, allowing you to more easily focus on stamps appropriate for your collection.
- Our Country tree is structured by the historical colonial powers, allowing for quick selection of multiple collecting areas. We use Scott Catalog numbers; however, for foreign collectors our website can also be searched by year of issue and stamp type (Air Mail, Special Delivery, etc). Our objective is to make it as easy as possible for you to focus on your collecting area, regardless of your catalog reference.
If this is your first visit to our website we encourage you to explore our Country tree at left. The tree can always be accessed by using the "Country" button at the top of the page.
If you have stamps you would like to sell or consign, please contact us.
Our goal is to help you fill in missing spots in your collection and to make your search for those stamps an enjoyable experience.
The Post Road Team

APS Dealer #215785
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